New Year, New Supplies


It is a New Year, friends, and full of possibility

But first, think about the previous year . . . what worked and what didn’t work for you, for your business? Learn from your experiences, and apply what you learned to the New Year ahead, which is a big, beautiful blank canvas!

Hmmm . . . beautiful blank canvas immediately brings to mind pens, markers, and other office supplies, oh my! I don’t know about you, but sometimes choosing the right pen or pad of paper can make all the difference, revving up my productivity from zero sixty in mere seconds! 

The holidays are behind us, but we still have to get through the winter months and it can feel like a slog. Our work environment and the supplies that we use day in and day out can have an impact on our mindset which directly affects our level of productivity.

Here at Copper Bottom Design Co., we’re excited to dive into 2025! Our creative juices are flowing, and we are excited to share with you some of the supplies in our toolkit that motivate us. Some are like old friends–tried, true, and trusted–while others are new and full of promise. Together, they contribute to our ability to successfully plan, organize, and execute our every goal as we design and manage overseas production for our talented and inspiring clients.

Without further ado, here are our Copper Bottom faves!

This “white” board is actually clear, and we think that is what makes it such an attractive addition to any office. It provides a physical canvas for you to organize your thoughts, dreams, to-dos . . . or just doodle! Pair with these Dry Erase Markers and color code your heart out.

No matter where your office is (at home, a coffee shop, or noisy airport), we all need some peace & quiet sometimes in order to gather our thoughts and stay focused. These aren’t cheap, but they are THE BEST noise cancelling headphones around. Pair these with for the most focused work session of your life!

Can you design a full planner in Canva, Microsoft Word, or another program that might be more intuitive or cost effective? Absolutely. But you might find yourself fighting the design to get it pixel perfect, and the export capabilities generally aren’t as sufficient for what is needed when working with a production partner. This is hands down my favorite design software, with Adobe Illustrator as a close second.

Endless trips to the microwave to reheat your coffee or tea are so . . . 2024! 

This beautifully designed 14 ounce mug & coaster includes nifty features that make it well worth the investment. It’s a gift that will keep on giving!

Pair it with my new favorite Lady Grey tea and settle in for a cozy, yet productive, work session.

Map out your year with our FREE planning calendar. I had mine printed and laminated with dry-erase lamination at Staples. Game changer! And it was delivered within 2 days. I was planning my heart out in no time. I use washi tape and sticky notes from Laurel Denise and MakseLife to mark my out of office days and important deadlines—being the production designer for these brands has its perks . . . like samples galore!

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Have you been feeling inspired and ready to kick off the design process for your own custom planner?

I created a guide featuring 5 things your day planner MUST include . . . and it’s available now at the link below.


This or That? Dated Planner vs Undated Planner


2025 Planner Gift Guide